Bibi's Art Gallery

 Half Self Portrait

About this project:
For the unit of facial proportions I created a half self portrait. I took a picture of myself and cut it in half, so I could try and draw the second half. I glued the half of my picture into a piece of paper. I used a pencil and a blending stick to draw the second half of my face. I had to use facial proportion techniques and lots of shading for it to look real. As i drew my face I observed the second half of my picture, so I could make it as realistic as possible. 

The day I got started with this project I felt I was not going to be able to draw the second half of my face. I started off this project with a picture of myself my teacher took of me at school. I started by drawing the eye, and it did not seem right at all. I went home, and restarted the project using another picture of myself i had at home. I took my time while drawing, and it came out a lot better than I expected.
An area of my drawing that I can improve is my shirt. The second half of my picture was kind of dark and I could not see the shirt design very well. I used the first half of my picture to observe the shirt design, and using what I saw, I kind of made up how the second half looked like. 
Bibiana N. 9D

Art with Recycled Materials

About this project:
I was looking around at home, and I found some interesting stuff and I thought it useful. I decided to create something for my art sketchbook. I took a brown cardboard and pasted many of the things I found. As you can observe, everything I used to cover the brown cardboard is recycled material. There is many different papers with designs that I used for previous projects, tickets, old glitter, and can pull-tabs. 

I really enjoyed doing this because I could create whatever I imagined I could do with recycled material. I had lots of fun just pasting everything I found in an interesting way. At first, i thought it would came out as "trash in a paper", but I did it, and it looked much better than it was expected. 
Even though I think it looks really good, if I had to do this again I think it would have looked better if the brown cardboard was completely covered. Using a lot more recycled materials, would have covered the entire cardboard and it would have looked more interesting. 

Bibiana N. 9D

Applying different Techniques

About this project:
I wanted to apply many of the art techniques we learned in class into one drawing. I used colored pencils and markers to create this drawing. I drew eyes in the center of the paper, then lines all around with pencil and traced them with a black marker. This created little spaces, and I colored each one differently. I used solid colors, pointillism, color value, and different patterns. 

I found this drawing very interesting because I applied many of the techniques learned in art class. I had lots of fun doing it, and I enjoyed coloring it with many different colors. If i had to this again, I would fix the eyes. The eyes are not the same size, as they were supposed to. But in general, i think this drawing came out really nice. 
Bibiana N. 9D